With the beginning of Advent the entire English-speaking part of the Catholic world should now be using the new Roman Missal.
With liturgical form in mind, you often hear Christians arguing about what Sunday worship should look like, generally falling into “Traditional” or “Contemporary” camps. Even within Catholicism you find people with very definite views as to what the Mass should look like, some a little more “interesting” than others… :-/
(The above puppet video is kinda barmy. All I’ll ask is this: how many young people do you see here?)
ummmm…… ……. ……
Barmy indeed… Liturgical dance is one thing, but this is so much busy-ness which DISTRACTS from the Eucharist. And the giant puppets are CREEPY – especially the one that looks like Jesus towering above the priest at consecration. The speaker’s remarks confirm that this is more a celebration of political correctness than of Christ among us.
that looked like something from some long-forgotten nightmare…
This video is not by a Roman Catholic group. It is by a breakaway group of people who left the Roman Catholic Church because they don’t ordain women. They formed their own group called Women Church Call to Action. (WCCTA)
I’m having bad flashbacks to L.A. Congress. This takes it to a new level of frightening….