Church History
For many people, the Church in the centuries following the apostles is something of black box, an unknown. It comes as a great surprise, therefore, when they start reading history and learn what the Early Church believed about The Eucharist and Baptism.
It is also suitably informative to see the development of the Biblical Canon (Canon Dates) and the issues which were discussed in Church Councils.
There are many myths out there concerning Constantine and the Council of Nicaea often. In my Before Constantine post I outline the beliefs of the Church prior to AD 300 and the rise of Constantine. I have also written an article in which I respond to the belief in a Great Apostasy.
Signs & Symbols
The symbols used by the Early Church are rich in theology and I am trying to work through them. So far I have covered The Cross, IHS and INRI.
The Church Fathers
One cannot read about the history of the Church without encountering the Early Church Fathers. I put together an Introduction which will explain who these men were and why they are important.
There are many great Resources for learning about the Fathers which I have compiled, many of which are completely free.
St. Ignatius of Antioch (c AD 35 – 108)
Letter Of St Ignatius to the Romans: Document – Audio
Letter Of St Ignatius to the Magnesians: Document – Audio
Letter Of St Ignatius to the Trallians: Document – Audio
Letter Of St Ignatius to the Ephesians: Document – Audio
Letter Of St. Ignatius to the Philadelphians: Document – Audio
Letter Of St. Ignatius to the Smyrnaeans: Document – Audio
Letter Of St. Ignatius to Polycarp: Document – Audio
St. Polycarp of Smyrna (c AD 69 – 155)
Martyrdom of St. Polycarp: Document – Audio
St. Justin Martyr (c AD 100 – 165)
First Apology (Extract): Document – Audio
St. Hippolytus of Rome (c AD 170 – 235)
Apostolic Tradition (Extract): Document – Audio
Liturgy of St. James (4th Century Version)
Liturgy of St. James (Extract): Document – Audio