Catholic Artists

If you’ve followed this blog for some time, you will know that each Monday I do a post where I share some Christian music, either ancient or modern. I recently discovered a website which will help me select contemporary songs by Catholic artists, The Catholic Playlist Show:


Since I’m not regularly in Protestant circles these days, my exposure to Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) is not as great as it used to be, so this site and podcast is ideal for me. The other amazing thing is that about this site is that the Catholic Playlist Show exclusively showcases Catholic artists. Honestly, I think I could name all the prominant contemporary Catholic musicians I know on a single hand, so we’ll see if this site manages to change that!


With the beginning of Advent the entire English-speaking part of the Catholic world should now be using the new Roman Missal.

With liturgical form in mind, you often hear Christians arguing about what Sunday worship should look like, generally falling into “Traditional” or “Contemporary” camps. Even within Catholicism you find people with very definite views as to what the Mass should look like, some a little more “interesting” than others… :-/

(The above puppet video is kinda barmy. All I’ll ask is this: how many young people do you see here?)