Shameless Publicity

On this blog I regularly share edifying resources that I’ve come across in my Internet wanderings. Today I’d like to publicise a site that is probably my favourite Catholic blog on the Internet:

Shameless Popery is written by a chap in the DC area named Joseph Heschmeyer. He posts articles pretty much every day on a wide range of subjects pertaining to the Catholic faith.  He’s a lawyer by training and his systematic and methodical writing style is testimony to his logical and orderly way of thinking. I want to keep him humble so I’ll cease the adulation here, but I’d strongly encourage everyone to go subscribe to his blog.

I was recently on the East Coast and I had the opportunity enjoy a few beers with Joe:

We also hung out with Cary, another regular commentator on the blog, talked about nerdy Catholic stuff and had an absolute blast.

So, again, go check out his blog. I’ve included at the end of this post some of his recent blog entries which I’ve particularly enjoyed. His articles are all consistently good and all have substantial content. His blog entries are dinner. Mine are dessert 😉

Healing the scandal of denominationalism | Why do Catholics call priests “Father”?
Jesus and Mithras, Debunked | Why Catholic and not Eastern Orthodox?
Martin Luther and the book of James

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