Some of those attending our wedding (or watching it on Facebook) may not be familiar with the Byzantine Catholic Church. The video below (and transcript which follows) provides a short explanation of what will happen during our wedding so that our guests may better understand the ceremony. We pray that we will all grow closer to each other and to the Lord through this celebration of our marriage.…
Forty days to wander Forty days to die to self Forty days to grow stronger As faith breaks open the gates of hell The jubilee is over But grace is far from gone In the hearts of the faithful Broken on the wheels of love
‘Cause in the desert of temptation Lies the storm of true conversion Where springs of living water drown and refresh you And as the Jordan pours out change Your true self is all that remains Where springs of living water bind and break you Bind and break you
Forty days to remember The Paschal Sacrifice Forty days to discover His passion calls us to new life The jubilee is over But mercy’s far from gone In the arms of the Father As the wayward child comes home
‘Cause in the desert of temptation Lies the storm of true conversion Where springs of living water drown and refresh you And as the Jordan pours out change Your true self is all that remains Where springs of living water bind and break you Bind and break you
Marie and I will still be getting married at the end of July. Unfortunately, with the present COVID restrictions, the wedding itself is going to be very small, restricted to our wedding party and Marie’s immediate family. Due to travel restrictions, all of my family will be watching the livestream from England (while dressed in their formal wedding attire, of course)!
However, since we took the time to create a wedding website, I thought we’d share it here and ask for your prayers as I prepare to make Marie the happiest woman in the world!
As I’ve mentioned before, at the moment virtually all my friends are getting married. Over the course of life thus far I’ve been to many weddings and got to hear many different Scripture selections by different couples. Needless to say I’ve heard 1 Corinthians 13 far too often! At the most recent wedding, the subject came up and I shared what would be my own Scripture choices for my own wedding. I figured that I may as well turn it into a blog post
For the last couple of months, I have been helping beta test a website which is being launched by a friend of mine. Normally, I’m the one writing the code, so it was a lot of fun having an opportunity to find the bugs in someone else’s work!
Although I’ve known people to find their spouse on, I also know of a lot of people who have found the whole online dating experience frustrating. If this is you, you might like to try CatholicChemistry…
Click on the link above and sign up with the promo code “JMJ”, you’ll get a 6-month subscription for free. If you’re not sure how to start the conversation and get a date, you might like to try some of my favourite Catholic pick-up lines. You can thank me in your wedding toast…
The beautiful bride in her gown stands up in front of the altar and reaches out for the hand of her handsome groom in his bow tie and tux…they pledge their love to one another, declare their vows, and flip the Altar Switch – instantly becoming the man and woman, the husband and wife they always dreamed they’d be