TOT: Bringing Sexy Back

Our recent Theology On Tap series was brought to a close by a San Diego favourite, Jackie Francois…or shouldn’t she be called Jackie Angel now?

Anyway, Jackie spoke at the final Theology On Tap about “Bringing Sexy Back…to its original meaning!”.

Main Talk (Download)

Questions & Answers (Download)

UPDATE: In related news, there’s a little angel on the way

TOT: Making Tough Decisions

JamieTheology On Tap is an initiative in the Diocese and throughout the USA where young adults gather in a bar or restaurant to listen to a speaker, to fellowship with one another and grow in their faith.

Earlier in the month, I gave a talk at Theology On Tap about Sacred Scripture. The series continues, this time with the talk being given by Jamie Cleaton.

Jamie is a fellow resident of San Diego, where he lives with his wife and three children. Jamie has been a youth minister for four years. He has been involved with all kinds of youth events and he has been a professional speaker since 2008.

Here is the audio for his talk entitled “Making tough decisions: Listening to God’s voice as you make daily life decisions”:

Main Talk (Download)

Q&A (Download)

TOT: How to read the Bible for all its worth….

It has taken me a while, but I finally got around to editing the audio from my recent Theology On Tap session entitled “Reading the Bible for all its worth”. The audio quality wasn’t great, but I’ve cleaned it up the best I can. For the benefit of those who couldn’t attend my talk, I have created a YouTube video which plays the audio synchronized with my slides:

Extra Files

The video doesn’t contain the Q&A after the talk or the “Mega Bible Study” discussion which took place afterwards. The audio for these sections is available below:

Main Talk (Download)

Q&A (Download)

Mega Bible Study (Download)


Handout (Download)

Win fabulous prizes!

In my talk I recommend looking for one thing at each Sunday Mass to take away for your spiritual nourishment during the rest of the week and I suggest writing this down in a Mass Journal. I have six Mass journals to give away!

Simply leave a comment below describing an insight from a recent talk, sermon or Bible study which touched you. It doesn’t have to be earth shattering, just something which you might record in your new Mass Journal! The first six comments will win.


Come hear me talk!

If you are a young adult in San Diego, want to know more about the Bible and love hearing the sound of an English accent, well, you’re in luck!

On 8th October I’m going to be giving the talk at Theology On Tap entitled “Reading the Bible for all its worth”. Click on the image below to download the flyer.


The talk is going to be at the Searsucker Restaurant in Del Mar (directions). We’ll have dinner 6:30pm-7:30pm. I’ll then give a 45 minute talk, there will be some Q&A and group discussion. We’ll have everything wrapped up by 9pm.

Will you come if I promise to talk about dating? 😉

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