Wise Words on Wednesday: The Church is a whore?

Today’s “Wise Words on Wednesday” is a correction of a quotation I’ll periodically see people quote on the Internet:

The Church is a whore, but she’s also my mother

St. Augustine?

This is a poor paraphrase of something which St. Augustine wrote in Sermon 213:

“Let us honor the Catholic Church, our true Mother, the true Bride of her Husband, because she is the wife of so great a Lord. And what shall I say? How great is that Husband and of singular rank, that he discovered a prostitute and made her a virgin. Because she should not deny that she was a prostitute, lest she forget the mercy of her liberator. How can it be said that she was not a prostitute when she fornicated with demons and idols?”

Sermon 213 on the Creed

The ordering is really important here. The Bride of Christ was once unfaithful, but she was liberated by Him – the emphasis is on Christ’s ability to heal, save, and sanctify the lost.

PWJ: S3E30 – AH – “After Hours” with Jason Lepojärvi

After listening to a free talk from Regent Audio by Dr. Jason Lepojärvi I knew we had to have him on the show. In this “After Hours” episode we talk about the theology of love and the disagreement between C.S. Lewis and St. Augustine.

S3E30: “After Hours” with Jason Lepojärvi (Download)

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More information about us can be found on our website, PintsWithJack.com. If you’d like to support us and get fantastic gifts, please join us on Patreon.

The roadmap for Season 3 is available here.

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PWJ: S3E25 – TWHF (Pt 2 – Ch 4) – “Barefaced”

Art by Dave Hudson

Orual comes face-to-face with Orual and the god of the Mountain.

S3E25: “Barefaced” (Download)

If you enjoy this episode, you can subscribe manually, or any place where good podcasts can be found (iTunesGoogle Play, Podbean, Stitcher, TuneIn and Overcast), as well as on YouTube.

If you’d like to support us and get fantastic gifts, please join us on Patreon.

The Season 3 roadmap is available here.

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TOT: What does it mean to be a restless pilgrim?

Our three-part “Theology On Tap” series came to a conclusion tonight. The Associate Young Adult Director, Pamela Poe, had tasked me to give a talk which answered the question “What does it mean to be a restless pilgrim?”. In this presentation, I recount the story of my own faith journey, I describe the story of Salvation History as a pilgrimage, and I explain why we’re all restless pilgrims…

“What does it mean to be a restless pilgrim?” (Download)

“Q&A” (Download)

If you would like to hear audio from other San Diego “Theology On Tap” sessions, you can subscribe to the podcast on iTunesGoogle Play or manually via the RSS feed.

— Questions —

• “What’s the next journey you have in mind?” (Winner of the box of fine tea)

• “How long were you on the Camino before you started to regret it?!”

• “Do people really die on the Camino?!”

• “Before you reverted, what did you believe about the Eucharist?”

• “How did your Protestant friends explain John 6, where Jesus speaks about eating and drinking his Body and Blood?”

• “Does the restlessness ever come to an end? Should we ever be able to settle?”

• “What is the Byzantine Church?”

• “What is the difference between an English and an Australian accent?”

Register for free one-day young adult retreat in San Diego!

Registration is now open for the “Restless” Retreat. This is a free, one day retreat at St. Catherine Laboure on Saturday, April 14th:

The theme of the retreat is being taken from St. Augustine’s famous line, “You made us for Yourself, O Lord, and our hearts will wander restless until we rest in you”. I swear I did not pick the retreat theme… 🙂

We will have speakers including Jamie Cleaton and Timmerie Millington.

Lunch will be provided. Did I mention this was free?

PWJ: S1E17 – MC B3C5 – “Sexual Morality”


What is the virtue of chastity? Is it unhealthy, impossible or repressive? In today’s episode, Matt and I look at what C.S. Lewis had to say about this, the most unpopular of the virtues…

Are you following us on Instagram yet? You should! Also, if you enjoy this episode, you can subscribe manually, or any place where good podcasts can be found (iTunesGoogle PlayPodbeanStitcher, TuneInOvercast and Castbox). Please send any objections, comments or questions, either via email through my website or tweet us @pintswithjack.

Episode 17: “Sexual Morality” (Download)

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