Put out into the deep
If you want to grow deeper in your faith, I’d highly recommend the free courses at the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology:
"We are travellers…not yet in our native land" – St. Augustine
If you want to grow deeper in your faith, I’d highly recommend the free courses at the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology:
Today marks the beginning of the Year of Faith. Hey Scott, what’s this all about?
This morning, in honour of the Assumption, I reposted my “Biblical Mary” article on Facebook (Matt Fradd wrote on the same topic today – great minds…).
As a follow-up, here’s a video of Scott Hahn speaking about the Assumption. As usual, he packs in a vast amount of material and information, so hang on to your hats…
And for something a little lighter…
When Christians get together there’s really nothing we love to do more than to complain! In my experience, what we especially like to do is to have a good whine about the problems we have with our parish. In response to this, I would like to write a series of short posts about some common complaints I’ve heard. Today I’ll begin with one of the most common criticisms:
“Our priest’s homilies are boring…”
As I say, this is a very common complaint. I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve heard people say something like this. Unfortunately, it’s often a reason given as to why someone left to join a Protestant congregation.
Love theology. Love music. Love puns.
In honour of my new BFF…
“God’s wrath, throughout history, basically consists of giving us what we want” – Scott Hahn