Meeting Scott Hahn

Last night I finally got to meet Dr. Scott Hahn. He was giving a talk at St. Therese’s Catholic Parish in San Diego. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to come to the talk itself, but I managed to get to the church before he left.

I got him to sign one of his books.

I asked him a question concerning one of his previous talks on Matthew’s Gospel.

He was taller than I expected.

Good times 🙂

I have come close to meeting Dr. Hahn so many times, missing him by only a few days, hours or miles. Because of this, “Meet Scott Hahn” made it onto my Bucket List several years ago. It was with a great sense of satisfaction that, when I returned to my car last night, I finally crossed that item off my list:

Meet Scott Hahn Bucket List Item

Friday Frivolity: Baby Got Book

Happy Friday!  I don’t know about you, but for me this week has simply flown by.  It’s now only a few hours until it’s time to hit the beach, but to get you through those remaining hours, here’s a little bit of Friday Frivolity….

“And if you’re Catholic, there are even more…” 😀

Oh, and for those ladies looking for a new Bible, I can thoroughly recommend the new RSV New Testament Study Bible which has commentary from Dr. Scott Hahn and Curtis Mitch 🙂

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