PWJ: S1E32 – MC B4C4 – “Good Infection”

This week we continue to discuss the Trinity and the terms used to describe each its members. We ask what it means to say that “God is love”. Finally, we dig deeper into understanding what it means to participate in the life of God.

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Episode 32: “Good Infection” (Download)

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It’s like Woodstock, but with more Bible

I spent some time today planning my travels for the next few months and I was delighted to look in my calendar and remember that the West Coast Biblical Studies Conference is on the horizon!


The two-day conference is at the end of January (27th and 28th) in San Diego. Once again it is being held at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, with the usual line-up of excellent speakers: Scott Hahn, John Bergsma, Michael Barber and John Kincaid. This year the focus will be on The Book of Acts: How the Holy  Spirit leads the Church through hard times.

Tickets are $50, but if you buy yours before 15th December, the price is reduced to $40. If you’re coming from out-of-town, be sure to let me know!



Self-denial, then, is not a mask for self-contempt, but the necessary means for achieving self-mastery; and self-mastery makes possible our self-giving and self-fulfillment. Sin, according to this view, is not wanting too much, but rather settling for too little! It’s settling for self-gratification rather than self-fulfillment.

– First Comes Love, Scott Hahn

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