TEA: Hidden Treasure (St. Brigid)


Earlier this week, I gave a talk entitled “Hidden Treasure: How the Old Testament is unveiled in the New”. In this presentation, I explain how Biblical Typology helps us to see Christ throughout Salvation History.

Hidden Treasure: How the Old Testament is unveiled in the New (Download)

Audio Player

TEA: Blood and Ink (Santa Sophia)


A couple of weeks ago I gave a talk at Santa Sophia entitled “Blood & Ink: How the Early Church Conquered the World”. Unfortunately, soon after given the talk, my laptop decided to die, so I couldn’t upload the audio. My laptop is finally fixed, so here you go…

Blood & Ink: How the Early Church Conquered the World (Download)

Audio Player

TEA: How I met your Blessed Mother (St. Brigid)


Last night I led Bible study at a local parish and I was asked to give an informal talk beforehand on the Virgin Mary.

My talk was entitled “How I met your (Blessed) Mother” and in it I told a little bit of my story and explained how I overcame my deep-seated resistance concerning Mary and how I ultimately came to embrace the Catholic teaching concerning the Blessed Mother.

Some friends couldn’t make it last night and asked me to record the talk, so for anyone who would like to hear it, the audio is available below.

How I met your (Blessed) Mother (Download)

Audio Player

TEA: Worship In The Early Church (Drinks with Dominicans)


Last week I gave a talk on “Worship In The Early Church” at a local Seattle Young Adult event. I’ll be converting this talk into a series of posts later, but in case you wanted to have a listen, I recorded the first half of my talk on my phone:

Worship In The Early Church (Download)
Audio Player

In the latter portion of the talk we were going through some of the texts of the Early Church and the recording was a little too faint. I’ll put together a better recording at some point over the next few months.

TOT: How to read the Bible for all its worth….

It has taken me a while, but I finally got around to editing the audio from my recent Theology On Tap session entitled “Reading the Bible for all its worth”. The audio quality wasn’t great, but I’ve cleaned it up the best I can. For the benefit of those who couldn’t attend my talk, I have created a YouTube video which plays the audio synchronized with my slides:

Extra Files

The video doesn’t contain the Q&A after the talk or the “Mega Bible Study” discussion which took place afterwards. The audio for these sections is available below:

Audio Player

Main Talk (Download)

Audio Player

Q&A (Download)

Audio Player

Mega Bible Study (Download)


Handout (Download)

Win fabulous prizes!

In my talk I recommend looking for one thing at each Sunday Mass to take away for your spiritual nourishment during the rest of the week and I suggest writing this down in a Mass Journal. I have six Mass journals to give away!

Simply leave a comment below describing an insight from a recent talk, sermon or Bible study which touched you. It doesn’t have to be earth shattering, just something which you might record in your new Mass Journal! The first six comments will win.


TOT: Social Media – How to use it without being used by it

Faith on Fire“Faith on Fire” is a new initiative here in San Diego to help nurture the younger young adult community.

Like “Theology On Tap”, it is held at a bar or restaurant where there is a talk given by a speaker which is followed by Q&A and some discussion. However, unlike “Theology On Tap”, it is restricted to only those between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five.

As I mentioned the other day, this Tuesday I was drafted in at the last minute to cover for the speaker who was ill. Fr. Jacob was scheduled to speak on the topic:

“Social Media and Faith: How to use it without being used by it” 

Since he couldn’t make it, I gave the talk instead. The presentation file is available for download here and the audio of the evening is available for download below:

Main Talk (Download)

Audio Player

I based part of my talk on my blog post Don’t Be Too Eager To Hit “Send” and The Mobile Challenge. At some point in the future I’ll hopefully do some other posts on the subject of Social Media to help consolidate my thoughts in this area.

(The book which gave away at the beginning of the Q&A time was The Church and New Media by Brandon Vogt)

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