Liturgical Gangsta

In the past I’ve attended non-Catholic churches and heard things like “We don’t do liturgy. The funny thing was that when I came back the following week the service was exactly the same. It was identical the next week…and also the week after that… Things happened pretty much like clockwork.

The truth is that they did have liturgy, it was just their liturgy…


With the beginning of Advent the entire English-speaking part of the Catholic world should now be using the new Roman Missal.

With liturgical form in mind, you often hear Christians arguing about what Sunday worship should look like, generally falling into “Traditional” or “Contemporary” camps. Even within Catholicism you find people with very definite views as to what the Mass should look like, some a little more “interesting” than others… :-/

(The above puppet video is kinda barmy. All I’ll ask is this: how many young people do you see here?)

Catholic Bucket List #2: Try a Tridentine Mass

Continuing my Catholic Bucket List series from the other day, this week’s suggestion is:

Bucket List Item #2: Attend a Tridentine Mass

A little background

So what’s a “Tridentine Mass”?

Well, when Joe Catholic attends a Mass today, he typically attends a “Novus Ordo” (“New Order”) Mass. This formulation of the liturgy was brought about in the Seventies through Pope Paul VI after the Second Vatican Council.

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