After the debacle of my 2013 resolutions, I’m going to keep things simple this year:
1. Read the Entire Bible
I mentioned earlier that I was going to do this. I don’t really know what percentage of the Bible I’ve read. I’ve certainly covered all of the New Testament, but I’m sure there are large swathes of the Old Testament (the minor prophets in particular) which I haven’t read. It’s time that changed.

2. Get back into martial arts
If you knew me prior to the age of twenty, you’d know that back then I was martial arts crazy. Good grief, I even named my four pet gerbils “Bruce”, “Lee”, “Jackie” and “Chan”.

It’s probably because I’m getting old, but I feel a real urge to get back in contact with my teenage self. Maybe that, or I just want to hit people. Either way, I’ve enrolled at a local kung fu school and I had my first lesson on Saturday.
3. Run a marathon
I knew I’d eventually have to do this. After all, what’s a half marathon, other than 50% of a real marathon? It. Is. Time.

Obviously, I have other things I’d like to achieve this year, but these are the three on which I’m going to focus and I’ve already made some concrete steps to towards each of them.
2014? Bring it on.