Resolution update for 2013

Oh my…


This wasn’t a good year, was it? I mean, the very fact that my last resolution update was in February really speaks volumes. Honestly, I don’t know what happened.  “Wait!”, I hear you cry, “Nobody ever keeps their resolutions!” Well, I do…well, normally I do. I’ll typically make about ten resolutions and I’ll usually keep 70% of them and at least make some headway on the others.

Okay, let’s get this over with…


Resolution #1. Go dancing at least once a week (F)
Completely failed. I’ve gone out a handful of times and taught a few lessons, but that’s about it.

Resolution #2. Check bank statements once a week (F)
Not even close.

Resolution #3. Complete Reading List (C)
I was doing well during the first half of the year, but didn’t finish anything new following my July update, leaving five books from the list unread.

Resolution #4. Give up Facebook for Lent (A)
Finally! A success! I also ended up giving up Facebook for the Philip’s Fast (Advent), but that wasn’t a hardship at all – I really needed a break.

Resolution #5. Guard free time more jealously (B-)
Hmm…this is a tough one. The later half of this year has been…weird. I haven’t overextended myself, but I still don’t recall lots of peaceful times this year. I think I did something wrong.

Resolution #6. Invest more time in friendships (D)
Pretty terrible.

Resolution #7. Blacklist TV Shows (C+)
Although I didn’t watch the shows I said I was going to boycott, I managed to replace them with, albeit less offensive, mindless pap.

Resolution #8. Run a half marathon and do a 15 minute plank (B+)
I never completed the 15 minute plank (11 minutes was my best), although I did do the half marathon in 1:46:08:

Half Marathon

Since I moved I’ve done very little exercise. I started running again earlier this week…ouch.

Resolution #9. Cook a proper meal once a week (E)

Resolution #10. Write the book (F)
I’ve spent some time on it but…yeah, fail.

So, what do we learn from this? Well, I’m still going to have some resolutions for 2014, but they are going to be far more focused. I’ll post those tomorrow…

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