Music Monday: Grace

Your grace that leads this sinner home
From death to life forever
And sings the song of righteousness
By blood and not by merit

Your grace that reaches far and wide
To every tribe and nation
Has called my heart to enter in
The joy of Your salvation

By grace I am redeemed
By grace I am restored
And now I freely walk
Into the arms of Christ my Lord

Your grace that I cannot explain
Not by my earthly wisdom
The Prince of life, without a stain
Was traded for this sinner

Let praise rise up and overflow
My song resound forever
For grace will see me welcomed home
To walk beside my Saviour

PWJ: S1E24 – MC B3C11 – “Faith” (Part 1)


For the last two chapters of Book III we will be looking at the final theological virtue of “faith”. This chapter focuses on faith in terms of holding onto rational truths despite raging emotions.

If you enjoy this episode, you can subscribe manually, or any place where good podcasts can be found (iTunesGoogle PlayPodbeanStitcher and TuneIn).

Please send any objections, comments or questions, either via email through my website or tweet us @pintswithjack. Be sure to follow our new Instagram account!

Episode 24: “Faith” (Part 1) (Download)

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Guest Post: Seven Reasons Why I am Becoming Catholic

Just before Easter, I posted an article written by one of my friends on her one-year anniversary entering the Catholic Church. Now that we reach the end of the Easter Octave, here is another article which she wrote shortly before entering back in 2017…


As the Easter season quickly approaches and thousands of adults around the world prepare for the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and First Holy Communion), I thought it would be an appropriate time to explain why a person converts to the Catholic Church.

Of course, with hundreds of faith traditions and spiritual experiences, there could be hundreds of reasons, but I want to give you the top seven reasons why I left my life-long Protestant faith to become a member of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church (although that may describe it right there ☺).

1. Silence

I list this reason first because it was one of the first aspects of the Church that drew me in. When I refer to silence, I simultaneously refer to the feeling of peace within a soul. We live in a chaotic world, a world of incessant noise, a world pulling us in so many directions we sometimes don’t know which way is up. These noises and distractions make our souls crazy; our souls are crying out for inner peace, to just slow down and let God fill us in the silence.

When I first began attending Mass about two years ago, this phrase jumped out at me again and again, “Jesus said to his disciples, My peace I leave with you; My peace I give you.” How our souls yearn for this peace! Imagine how different our lives would be if we consistently let God give us His peace. One of the ways Catholics allow Christ to do this is in adoration. To kneel before the Blessed Sacrament and simply allow the silence to infiltrate our whole being is such an incredible gift; to allow the noises and distractions of the world fade away as we worship God in the quiet stillness of the Church. It feeds our hungry souls.  And amongst our busy lives, God reminds us: “The Lord will fight for you; you have only to be still.” (Exodus 14:14)

I think St. Augustine perfectly described our yearning for the peace of God when he said, “Thou hast made us for thyself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it finds rest in thee.”

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PWJ: S1E12 – MC B2C5 – “The Practical Conclusion”


We now come to the final chapter of Book II! In this chapter, C.S. Lewis draws to a conclusion “What Christians believe”. In previous chapters, Jack has explained that we receive New Life from Christ. In this final chapter he looks at how it is communicated to us. He principally focuses on belief, Baptism and Holy Communion.

If you enjoy this episode, you can subscribe manually, or any place where good podcasts can be found (iTunesGoogle PlayPodbeanStitcher and TuneIn). Please send any objections, comments or questions, either via email through my website or tweet us @pintswithjack.

Episode 12: “The Practical Conclusion” (Download)

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Wise Words on Wednesday: Saying Grace


You say grace before meals. All right. But I say grace before a concert and the opera, and grace before the play and the pantomime, and grace before I open a book, and grace before sketching, painting, swimming, fencing, boxing, walking, playing, dancing and grace before I dip the pen in ink

– GK Chesterton, St. Francis of Assisi

Wise Words on Wednesday: Giver of every good gift


As you take your seat at table, pray… offer thanks to the Giver…remember Him Who supplies you with this gift, to make your heart glad and to comfort your weakness. Has your need for taking food passed away? Let not the thought of your Benefactor pass away too.

As you are putting on your tunic, thank the Giver of it. As you wrap your cloak about yourself, feel yet greater love to God…

Is the day done? Give thanks to Him Who has given us the sun for our daily work, and has provided for us a fire to light up the night and to serve the rest of the needs of life”

– St. Basil

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