“Faith on Fire” is a new initiative here in San Diego to help nurture the younger young adult community.
Like “Theology On Tap”, it is held at a bar or restaurant where there is a talk given by a speaker which is followed by Q&A and some discussion. However, unlike “Theology On Tap”, it is restricted to only those between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five.
As I mentioned the other day, this Tuesday I was drafted in at the last minute to cover for the speaker who was ill. Fr. Jacob was scheduled to speak on the topic:
“Social Media and Faith: How to use it without being used by it”
Since he couldn’t make it, I gave the talk instead. The presentation file is available for download here and the audio of the evening is available for download below:
Main Talk (Download)
Audio Player
I based part of my talk on my blog post Don’t Be Too Eager To Hit “Send” and The Mobile Challenge. At some point in the future I’ll hopefully do some other posts on the subject of Social Media to help consolidate my thoughts in this area.
(The book which gave away at the beginning of the Q&A time was The Church and New Media by Brandon Vogt)