Friday Frivolity: Facebook Confession
I’m going to receive the Sacrament of Confession this weekend. The problem is that I’ve been bad on Facebook, very bad indeed…
The article Facebook Confession first appeared on
"We are travellers…not yet in our native land" – St. Augustine
I’m going to receive the Sacrament of Confession this weekend. The problem is that I’ve been bad on Facebook, very bad indeed…
The article Facebook Confession first appeared on
One of the great uses of Twitter and Facebook will be to prove at the Last Day that prayerlessness was not from lack of time. – John Piper
One of the reasons I began this blog was in response to repeated Papal exhortations for Catholics to engage the digital world. There were other reasons why I started which I have mentioned before, but that was definitely one of them.
At the end of last month, Pope Benedict issued a document for World Communications Day. I have posted the document in its entirety below, underlining the parts which I thought were really important.
I think it should be required reading for all Catholics who have a Facebook account…
During this Advent and Christmas season, everyone became engaged or got married.
Okay, maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration…but only a bit! Seriously, there were a lot of engagements. It seemed like every day Facebook was announcing yet another one. During one particular twenty-four hour period, four new engagements were announced!
All this is wonderful news, of course. It’s great to see so many of my male friends, both in America and England, manning up, getting down on one knee and popping the question. For the last few weeks my News Stream has been filled with lots of happy pictures
As the number of engagements and weddings increased I thought about doing something here on the blog to mark the occasion. I’ve written a little bit about marriage before, but mainly focusing on the theological dimension and the exhortations of the Early Church Fathers. This time I wanted to share something of value concerning the day-to-day life in a Christian marriage, some advice on how to lead one another to Heaven and to keep God at the centre of the marriage as the “third strand”.
However, given that I’m not married myself, I don’t think I’m really in a position to give this advice! So I’ve decided to outsource this post, turning it over to my friends who are already married! I am also going to email my married friends and ask them this question:
As a Christian spouse, what piece of advice would you give all my friends who are committing to marriage?
Please comment below…
UPDATE: I put all the advice together into this post here, Wise Words for Newlyweds.
Just a quick micro-rant today concerning one of my pet hates…
You may think that “Maybe” is a fairly innocent word…
…but it’s not, not at all.
When someone sends you a Facebook invite, please don’t choose “Maybe”.
Check your calendar.
Make a decision.
Be decisive.
Thank you, that is all.
I wish I had seen this last week before I gave my talk on Faith and Social Media:
“Faith on Fire” is a new initiative here in San Diego to help nurture the younger young adult community.
Like “Theology On Tap”, it is held at a bar or restaurant where there is a talk given by a speaker which is followed by Q&A and some discussion. However, unlike “Theology On Tap”, it is restricted to only those between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five.
As I mentioned the other day, this Tuesday I was drafted in at the last minute to cover for the speaker who was ill. Fr. Jacob was scheduled to speak on the topic:
“Social Media and Faith: How to use it without being used by it”
Since he couldn’t make it, I gave the talk instead. The presentation file is available for download here and the audio of the evening is available for download below:
Main Talk (Download)
Audio PlayerI based part of my talk on my blog post Don’t Be Too Eager To Hit “Send” and The Mobile Challenge. At some point in the future I’ll hopefully do some other posts on the subject of Social Media to help consolidate my thoughts in this area.
(The book which gave away at the beginning of the Q&A time was The Church and New Media by Brandon Vogt)