Pro-Life March and Christian Unity

Today is the March For Life in Washington DC. This past Sunday, my priest noted the providential intersection between this event and the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity which began last week.

Although it can sometimes be a source of conflict, protection of the unborn and the pro-life cause is really an issue which can unite Christians of all denominations together, as well as with people of good will…

Catholics and Protestants

Christian Unity and Pro-Life

Last month was the anniversary of Roe v Wade, the landmark abortion legislation here in the United States. In response to this, there were various pro-life events such as the March for Life in Washington DC and the Walk for Life in San Francisco.


I was over the moon to find out that there was a special event being organized here in San Diego‘s Balboa Park. The turnout was quite good, approximately 3,000 people attended and many organizations were represented.

I remember thinking how nice it was to be back around non-Catholic Christians again. In England I had a lot of contact with Christians of other denominations, both from attending non-Catholic services and from various ecumenical activities. But what with one thing and another, this hasn’t happened so much since I moved to the United States, my religious social circle being made up almost exclusively of Catholics. It was therefore really wonderful to see Christians of different denominations coming together on a Saturday morning to bear witness to the sanctity of human life.

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Contraception and Abortion

I have rather mixed feelings about Michael Voris. Many times he’s often spot on with his criticism, but I often find him unhelpfully aggressive and combative. Since we’ve just had the 40th Anniversary of Roe v Wade, I thought I’d post this video of his where he talks about the relationship between contraception and abortion:

Here’s the document that Mr. Voris quotes:

“In some critical respects abortion is of the same character as the decision to use contraception… for two decades of economic and social developments, people have organized intimate relationships and made choices that define their views of themselves and their places in society, in reliance on the availability of abortion in the event that contraception should fail
– 1992 Casey vs. Planned Parenthood

The link between contraception and abortion is undeniable.

Addressing the reasons for abortion

As the 40th anniversary of “Roe v Wade” draws to a close, I thought I’d post another video from Trent Horn‘s recent segment on Catholic Answers radio where pro-choice callers were invited to call in with their questions.

I would really recommend that you watch it as it’s apologetics at its best – clear, logical and cordial. If you do watch it, please watch it right until the end as the final comment is simply  priceless.

(It’s also worth watching because at 6:20 Patrick, in true Canadian style,
uses the phrase “couldn’t care less”)

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