Christian Unity and Pro-Life

Last month was the anniversary of Roe v Wade, the landmark abortion legislation here in the United States. In response to this, there were various pro-life events such as the March for Life in Washington DC and the Walk for Life in San Francisco.


I was over the moon to find out that there was a special event being organized here in San Diego‘s Balboa Park. The turnout was quite good, approximately 3,000 people attended and many organizations were represented.

I remember thinking how nice it was to be back around non-Catholic Christians again. In England I had a lot of contact with Christians of other denominations, both from attending non-Catholic services and from various ecumenical activities. But what with one thing and another, this hasn’t happened so much since I moved to the United States, my religious social circle being made up almost exclusively of Catholics. It was therefore really wonderful to see Christians of different denominations coming together on a Saturday morning to bear witness to the sanctity of human life.

Preaching to the choir

Unfortunately, my bubble was burst somewhat when, at the end of the walk there was a chap with a megaphone who appeared to be preaching to those walking. My initial reaction was “Talk about ‘preaching to the choir’!”.

walk for life

After listening to what he was saying for a minute or two, it was clear that he thought that many of those at the event hadn’t heard the Gospel (or at least heard it as he understood it). I’m pretty sure that any non-Christians walking through the park would have been utterly confused by the scene.

Therefore in your concord and harmonious love, Jesus Christ is sung. And man by man, become a choir, that being harmonious in love, and taking up the song of God in unison, you may with one voice sing to the Father through Jesus Christ… It is profitable, therefore, that you should live in an unblameable unity, that thus you may always enjoy communion with God”
– St. Ignatius of Antioch to the Ephesians

Needless to say, I wandered over and had a chat with him. I’m something of a glutton for punishment, but I did it primarily to get him off the megaphone and to keep him out of the way of anyone else. I asked him a few questions about some things he had said and we had a pleasant conversation.

Pro-Life or Pro-Gospel?

I found his position a little confusing, because although he said that he couldn’t judge anyone else’s heart, he had serious concerns about the salvation of some of those walking that day! My guess is that this was motivated in no small part by the strong Catholic presence there that day.

He rather poo-poo’d the event, instead affirming that “It’s the Gospel that changes lives”, a phrase which you hear from the AHA, an anti-abortion organization which recently caused quite a stir regarding their comments concerning the Catholic Church. There was an AHA presence at the walk, with members handing out leaflets, but they were noticeably absent from the main event.

Anyway, I agreed with my new friend concerning the power of the Gospel, but asked him if he felt that God could also work through an event like this. After a moment’s thought he admitted that it was a possibility. Interestingly, although he wasn’t really supportive of the event, he said that it shouldn’t be hidden away in Balboa Park but should take place Downtown where it would be more visible. This was something with which I readily agreed.

“That the world may believe…”

I kept him talking for a good while, but walked away feeling rather deflated. The pro-life movement is one of the best examples of ecumenism in the trenches, where Christians of different stripes can put aside their differences and unite in their protection of unborn. Here was a man who clearly loved Jesus, but I found it heartbreaking that he thought that he could best serve his Lord that day by undermining the event with a display of Christian disunity. So sad.

I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me. – John 17:22


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