Coming Soon To San Diego
San Diegans! I’m really pleased to announce that after the Year of Faith Conference on February 15th & 16th, there’s going to be another special event straight after…
"We are travellers…not yet in our native land" – St. Augustine
San Diegans! I’m really pleased to announce that after the Year of Faith Conference on February 15th & 16th, there’s going to be another special event straight after…
Resolution update time!
Resolution #1. Go dancing at least once a week.
I’ve done reasonably well on this one, doing a load of swing and a little bit of salsa.
Resolution #2. Check bank statements once a week.
Utterly failed. Only checked it once. C’mon man!
Resolution #3. Complete Reading List
So far I’ve finished The Screwtape Letters, The Great Divorce, Mere Christianity, Problem of Pain,
The Desert Fathers: Sayings of the Early Christian Monks. I’m about a 50% through After Jesus, 30% through Every Man’s Journey and 10% through both Confessions and Hold Me Tight.
Resolution #4. Give up Facebook for Lent
It’s not Lent yet 🙂
Resolution #5. Guard free time more jealously
I’ve done pretty well at this and I’ve also managed to do a Holy Hour each week (even if I did get kicked out of the Adoration chapel a few days ago!). I had an hour-long massage this week. Things have been a little stressful and I’ve been really glad about the extra “margin” in my life 🙂
Resolution #6. Invest more time in friendships
Had several hang outs with friends who I haven’t seen in a while.
Resolution #7. Blacklist TV Shows
Blacklisted shows have remained blacklisted. I’m still spending more time in front of the TV than I would like though.
Resolution #8. Run a half marathon and do a 15 minute plank
I’m currently up to a 10 minute plank. I also signed up for the Warrior Dash in April.
Resolution #9. Cook a proper meal once a week
I’ve only done some proper cooking for two out of the four weeks. I need to be a bit more disciplined about this.
Resolution #10. Write the book
I haven’t done any more work on it yet, but I’m trying to clear out the “Drafts” folder of my blog first.
One of my friends sent me an email asking about Bible translations and requesting an introductory post on the subject. Well Ricardo, here you go…
Before we start talking about different translations, let’s begin by considering the language of the original Biblical manuscripts, which are known as “autographs”. In what language were these originals documents written? Despite what Henry Higgins suggests, the Bible was not originally written in English…
So, if it wasn’t English, in what language was the Bible initially written? Well, the original Biblical documents were, in fact, written in several languages. Different languages were used for the Old Testament and New Testament, so let’s look at them in turn…
What are you doing to mark the Year of Faith? Well, if you live in San Diego, why not come to the “Year of Faith” Conference in February?
It is going to be held at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, beginning Friday evening on February 15th and continuing on all day on Saturday, February 16th. There will be Mass, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and optional Rosary Walk or Praise and Worship session.
In addition, there will be four inspiring talks offered by the clergy of the parish, together with Fr. Jacob Bertrand, our guest speaker from St. Rose of Lima.
“Know Your Faith” | “Live Your Faith” | “Share Your Faith” | “Explain Your Faith”
You may attend the conference at no charge, but it is requested that you register with the parish office (619.291.1660) so we have some idea of numbers.
More details to follow…
Today, many Catholics (including some bishops) seem to think that Vatican II was about the role of the laity in the Church – Eucharistic ministers, lectors, and so forth. But it was really about the role of the laity in the world. The true Catholic life is one of personal conversion and evangelization; it does not involve hanging around the sacristy.
Recently, Francis Cardinal George of Chicago said that the biggest failure of the post-Vatican II Church was her failure to get out the council’s message about the laity – who, after all, comprise 99% of the Church.
– George Sim Johnston