Resolution Roundup 2012
As 2012 draws to a close it’s time to review my resolutions and see how I did. Judgement awaits…
1. Read through the New Testament Twice
After failing at this resolution for most of the year, I managed to turn things around in the final Quarter. I completed this resolution on Christmas Eve, an appropriate day, given that the penultimate verse of the Bible reads “He who testifies to these things says, ‘Yes, I am coming soon.’ Amen. Come, Lord” Jesus…”
2. More dancing
So-so… This is going to be put on the list again next year.
3. Be more gentle with people
More victories than losses.
4. No sodas/fizzy drinks
365 days without Coca-Cola…
5. Get into the best shape of my life
This was a biggie, but I’m extremely pleased to announce that I’m now back to the weight I was when I first came to the United States nearly six years ago and I’m definitely fitter currently than I was back then. This means I can now officially say that I’m in better shape in my 30’s than my 20’s. Hah! Take that youth!
6. Complete reading list
I wasn’t disciplined enough to stick to my reading list and so ended up reading other books that weren’t on the list. Here are the ones on the list which I read:
The Church and the New Media – Brandon Vogt
I’m Not Being Fed! – Jeff Cavins
The Passion of Jesus Christ – John Piper
Father Brown of the Church of Rome – G.K Chesterton
The Story of Christianity – Justo Gonzalez
How To Listen When God Is Speaking – Mitch Pacwa, SJ
Godless Delusion – Patrick Madrid & Kenneth Hensley
Jesus of Nazareth – Pope Benedict XVI (I’m about half way through)
…these were the ones not on the list:
The One Thing – Matthew Kelly
Pillar of Fire and Truth – Catholic Answers
Quitter – Jon Acuff
The meaning of Vocation – Pope John Paul II
Orientalium Ecclesiarum – Second Vatican Council
Unitatis Redintegratio – Second Vatican Council
Deus Caritas Est – Pope Benedict XVI
Vatican II: The Crisis And The Promise – Alan Schreck
…leaving the following books on the list unread:
Rediscover Catholicism – Matthew Kelly
Jesus Among Other Gods – Ravi Zacharias
Philosophy For Dummies – Thomas Morris
The Path of Life – Cyprian Smith OSB
I’m going to move these over to the reading list for 2013.
7. Keep proper track of finances
So-so. Meh.
8. Tick something off my TODO list
Done, although I don’t think I’m going to continue this in 2013.
10. Fast on Wednesday and Friday
Pretty good. Unfortunately, as my training for #5 intensified it got harder to get enough protein in me while excluding meat, so in the last month or so my Wednesday observance often switched to some other kind of penance.
11. Give up Facebook for 40 days
12. Make an effort to dress well for Mass
Simon is impressed
Now it’s time to make some resolutions for 2013! Any suggestions?