Two Faces of Jesus?

I saw this on Facebook this morning:

I don’t really know where to begin with this as there’s a lot of nonsense on both sides, as well as anachronisms and seeming attempts to undermine basic Christian doctrine. So, I’ll just go through all of the claims in turn…

Colonizer Jesus

Huh? What does that even mean?


Of course not, but he’s been portrayed in art throughout with many different ethnic features.


This is a nonsensical term to describe Jesus as He is not a Christian, but the Christ. The only people I’ve ever heard even ask the question whether Jesus was a Christian are Muslims.


Well, He began His mission with His own people and He wept over the capital city, so it would be strange to deny He expressed love towards His country… but He’s the creator of all and His mission was ultimately extended to all nations.

Justice through retribution

Not exactly sure what axe this is trying to grind. Maybe something in relation to theories of Atonment? (Isaiah 53:5). Or is it rejecting the idea of punishment for sin in general?

Died for your sins

Of course, this is essential Christian doctrine (Mark 10:45). Is this seriously being denied?

Sends sinners to Hell

One of the points of the Creed is that He will “judge the living and the dead” and this is amply confirmed by Scripture (Matthew 25:31-46). Is this also being rejected?!

Silent in the face of oppression

He was silent in the face of His own oppression in the Passion, but He certainly spoke out against some of the injustices of the day.

Condemns sinners

It depends what you mean. We’ve already seen that He will judge the living and the dead. During His earthly ministry He told people to “repent” and to “sin no more”. However, he didn’t tell those who were sinning that they were incapable of repenting.

Endorses Church and State

Once again, it depends what you mean, but He said that He was going to build His Church on Peter and imbued His Church with His Authority. Likewise, He said render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and told Pilate that He only had authority because it had been given to him by God.

A King

Of course (John 1:49)! Is this even in question?

Upholds Traditional Family Unit

Seems to be the case (Matthew 19:19).

Endorses Holy War

Depends what you mean by “Holy War”, particularly if it’s conceded that He gave His authority to His Church. He seems to have been okay at least with the possession of a couple of swords (Luke 22:38).

Historical Jesus

Wait, is it claiming that everything we’ve looked at so far isn’t historical? On what basis?!

Middle eastern brown skinned

Of course (Matthew 1).


Of course (Matthew 1). Who’s been denying this?

Colonized by Rome

Yes, Rome had installed Herod as a puppet king.

Justice through restoration

Not entirely sure what this means, but there are definitely examples of those who extorted making amends (Luke 19:8). Or is this talking about the Atonement?

Killed by Church and State

“Church” here is anachronistic, but it’s true that He was killed by cooperation of the Jewish Sanhedrin and the Roman Governor. It’s worth noting, however, that Jesus says that “No one takes [my life] from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again; this charge I have received from my Father.” (John 10:18)

Friend of sinners and outcasts

Absolutely (Matthew 9:11)

Liberates the Oppressed

Yup, plenty of healings and exorcisms (Luke 11:14)

Critiques religious people

He certainly critiqued some religious people (Matthew 23) and praised others (John 1:47, Matthew 11:11).

Subverts empire

I can’t think of an example of how Jesus did this directly. He paid His taxes and taught to give the government what it was due. However, He certainly sowed the seeds which would grow in His Church which would ultimately take over the Roman Empire.

Homeless Man and Child Refugee

I’m assuming this is a reference to Matthew 2:13 and Luke 9:58. However, Egypt was still part of the same Empire so “refugee” isn’t really a good description of His time in Egypt. It seems fair to describe Jesus as functionally homeless, as he was a travelling preacher and would have probably often slept out in the open.

Had half siblings

If the Early Church’s assessment of things is correct, these would have been either step siblings (children from Joseph’s earlier marriage) or cousins. However, what’s really troubling about this entry is it seems to be placed in opposition to “Upholds Traditional Family Unit”!

Non violent

Yup (Acts 8:32) although some people at the Temple might disagree (John 2:15).

Calvinism and Free Will

I seem to have lots of Calvinists popping up in my life at the moment. This has lead me to look at the internal debates in Protestantism about it. Here’s one I just watched on Free Will.

I thought the “Provisionist” case was pretty devastating against the Calvinists. It was unfortunate that the Calvinists got rather testy in the cross-examination – it needed better moderation in my opinion and only one person from each side at a time doing cross-examination…

Pope Benedict on Purgatory

When speaking about the fire of Purgatory, Benedict wrote

Some recent theologians are of the opinion that the fire which both burns and saves is Christ himself, the Judge and Saviour. The encounter with him is the decisive act of judgement. Before his gaze all falsehood melts away. This encounter with him, as it burns us, transforms and frees us, allowing us to become truly ourselves. All that we build during our lives can prove to be mere straw, pure bluster, and it collapses. Yet in the pain of this encounter, when the impurity and sickness of our lives become evident to us, there lies salvation. His gaze, the touch of his heart heals us through an undeniably painful transformation “as through fire”. But it is a blessed pain, in which the holy power of his love sears through us like a flame, enabling us to become totally ourselves and thus totally of God.

Pope Benedict XVI, Spe Salvi
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