Abortion in case of rape

A while back, my Facebook shared an amazing, gentle, yet knock-out response to an awful and awfully biased article from CBS which I thought was worth sharing…

CBS News is currently using a heart-breaking situation involving an 11 year old girl to advocate for abortion, and against a new Ohio heartbeat law that would prohibit most all abortions.

Rape is such a horrible crime, and if the man currently charged is found guilty of committing it against this girl, then he should be prosecuted and sentenced to the full extent of the law. Any woman or girl who has suffered such a terrible violation needs and deserves our compassion and help, not accusations of “delinquency” — as the story alleges.

However, as this girl’s tragedy is also being used to make a broader political point about abortion, I think the following facts and questions not addressed by the article must be considered:

Point #1: Rape accounts for a fraction of one percent of all abortions. According to the largest study ever done on abortion, a mere .085% of all abortions are rape-related. And 98% are essentially elective.

Certainly, the percentage of such pregnancies involving girls as young as the one in this story is even much smaller. As such, the situation with this poor girl has nothing to do with almost all abortions. So, is the broader aim of this article legitimate, really? Or are they illegitimately using this girl’s tragedy to achieve pro-abortion political goals?

Point #2: Almost all of the roughly 1 million unborn children killed each year by abortion had a beating heart and/or measurable brainwaves. Even the ACLU publicly admits this. Where is the angst about all of their lives (about 60 million since 1973), while focusing exclusively on such a rare case?

Point #3: In the only major study of pregnant rape victims ever done, 75-85% of the women chose against abortion.

Point #4: Related to point #3, where is the evidence that abortion genuinely helps women who have been raped, that it lessens the trauma of the assault she has suffered? Isn’t it just as possible that a woman/girl who is raped and who has an abortion now has two traumas from which to recover, rather than one? I have seen evidence that having a child after rape can be healing — turning something ugly into something meaningful and beautiful. I invite you to read the following stories:

Point #5: As we have seen is some cases, abortion actually helps rapists by making it easier for them to quietly erase the evidence of their crime. Does that really help girls and women?

Point #6: Is it fair to punish an unborn child with the death penalty for a crime (rape) committed by her father? Is the unborn child to blame?

Point #7: Are children conceived by rape any less human and precious than children not conceived by rape? Are their lives less valuable than ours? If not, then why is it okay to kill them?

I sincerely invite you to read these many amazing stories of people conceived in rape. Should they have received the death penalty because of the crime committed by their fathers?

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