Sheenist Men’s Conference

The Sheenists are group named after Archbishop Fulton Sheen. They meet up in Escondido once a month to consume fine beverages, smoke pipes and talk theology.

On June 17th the Sheenists will be hosting a one day conference, with a number of speakers drawn from the ranks of the Sheenists, and with the keynotes given by Fr. Carl Gismondi and former host of Catholic Answers Live, Mr Patrick Coffin.


I’ve already booked my ticket, but if you have yet to buy yours, I would strongly suggest inviting some friends to go with in order to get the group discount:

Cost of a single ticket: $40
Cost for two tickets: $70 (working out at $35 each)
Cost for three tickets: $90 (working out at $30 each)

Here’s to looking forward to some of the manliest conversations you’ve ever heard!

TOT: Jackie Francois-Angel

April 18, 2017: Jackie Francois-Angel @ St. Luke, El Cajon

Jackie is a full-time traveling speaker, singer/songwriter, and worship leader from Orange County, CA. In 2006, she became an artist with OCP/ with whom she has released two albums.

She has been involved in youth ministry since she graduated high school, and she now travels the globe speaking to young people about God’s love and leading worship for various events and ministries. In 2013, she married the love of her life, Bobby Angel, and they now have two adorable little girls.

“Gifts Of The Holy Spirit” (Download)

Audio Player

This was our first time in quite a while recording Theology On Tap audio. The audio quality will improve over subsequent recordings.


Wise Words on Wednesday: A Skeptical World


“For the secular society of today is skeptical not merely about spiritual assumptions, but about its own secular assumptions. It has not merely broken the church window or besieged the tower of tradition; it has also kicked away the ladder of progress by which it had climbed.

The Declaration of Independence, once the charter of democracy, begins by saying that certain things are self-evident. If we were to trace the history of the American mind from Thomas Jefferson to William James, we should find that fewer and fewer things were self-evident, until at last hardly anything is self-evident.

So far from it being self-evident to the modern that men are created equal, it is not self-evident that men are created, or even that men are men.”

– G.K. Chesterton, 1926

(Eastern) Bible Conference In Phoenix

Later this month I will be in Phoenix, Arizona for the Eastern Catholic Bible Conference. There are going to be some great speakers, including Fr. Hezekias Carnazzo and his brother Fr. Sebastian, whom I’ve mentioned before in relation to one of my favourite apostolates, the Institute Of Catholic Culture.

The conference is good value, costing $30 to attend, but even if you can’t make it to Phoenix, you can participate online, simply by paying $7.

Eastern Catholic Bible Conference

If you’re coming in person, make sure you bring your Bible, because I can guarantee that Fr. Hezekias will be performing spot checks…

Shouting Grounds

Okay, it’s time to return to regular blogging. To kick things off, let’s begin with some heart-thumping music from Crowder’s “Shouting Grounds”:

Take me to the shouting grounds
A prodigal lost was found
I should be dead right now
But I am alive

I just want to see your face
You’re calling me from my grave
Take me to the shouting grounds
It’s gonna get loud

Dead man come walkin’ out
When you hear the sound of mercy
Dead man come shouting out
Get out the ground you’re breathing
All who were once asleep are waking up to sing

No grave gonna hold me down
Can you hear the sound of saving?
No grave gonna hold me down
Can you feel the ground it’s shaking?
All who were once asleep are waking up to sing

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