Is a pro-lifer in charge of Planned Parenthood marketing?

Over the past week, I’ve shared several short posts pointing out that Planned Parenthood doesn’t seem to understand irony (Post 1 | Post 2). I’m now starting to think that there’s some kind of conspiracy theory! Has Planned Parenthood has accidentally hired someone who is pro-life to head up their marketing department?

The latest advertising campaign from the abortion provider begins with the words “Watch. Share. Slay:

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What an unfortunate choice of words! The introductory paragraph attempts to explain this rather questionable title:

If there’s anything we’ve learned from Joss Whedon (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly, The Avengers) over the years, it’s this – every single one of us has a hero inside ; and its our responsibility to use our superpowers to slay.

Erm, Planned Parenthood, this isn’t sounding any better… What exactly is being slain here? In Joss Whedon’s TV show, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, it is evil beings which are slain: vampires, demons etc. Tell me, what exactly gets slain at Planned Parenthood?