• I was raised Catholic, but I quit in Jr. High. My parents made me attend mass, but I had given up belief in high school. As a result, I have no Catholic university experience. So this meme is poignant to me because I ran across _The Church_ by Fr. Richard McBrien. This is a Notre Dame Professor Emeritus of something or other. He was also on some Catholic theological committee. Surely the height of Catholic orthodoxy! I got his book to get a Catholic perspective on early Christian history. What a shock to find out his perspective is mine. He scoffs at the idea that there was a monarchial bishop in Rome before AD 100, and he doubts there was one until at least the mid-second century.

    I read the book–well, about half of it–a couple years ago, but it was only a few months ago that a friend, an adult convert to Orthodoxy, laughed at me and told me that Notre Dame is known for being liberal and it’s no surprise that a Professor Emeritus would hold seriously liberal views. Had he not enlightened me, I would have no idea what your meme meant.

  • This is probably the most substantial comment ever on a “Friday Frivolity” post!

    This is a Notre Dame Professor Emeritus of something or other. He was also on some Catholic theological committee. Surely the height of Catholic orthodoxy!

    I stopped reading at “Notre Dame”… 😉

    I read the book–well, about half of it–a couple years ago, but it was only a few months ago that a friend, an adult convert to Orthodoxy, laughed at me and told me that Notre Dame is known for being liberal and it’s no surprise that a Professor Emeritus would hold seriously liberal views. Had he not enlightened me, I would have no idea what your meme meant.

    Yeah, the state of Catholic Universities is pretty awful. A while back one of my friends told me he had got a new job and told me he got a position at the University of San Diego. My response? “Oh, I thought you said you were only applying to Catholic Universities… 😉

    USD recently started looking for a new president and “Catholic” was on the “Nice-to-have” list…eesh. One of my friends studied theology there and the only teacher that held on to some semblance of Christian orthodoxy (didn’t deny the Virgin Birth etc.) was her Eastern Orthodox professor (I’ll actually be sharing the professor’s website tomorrow).

    It’s not all doom and gloom though. New universities, such as John Paul the Great Catholic University are springing up who actually embrace their Catholic identity, having fabulous theology departments which are both academically rigorous and orthodox .

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