Quick Apology: “Better than back-alley abortions”

Today I would like to continue this pro-life blog series by briefly responding to something which is regularly brought up during discussions on abortion.
I have often heard it said, even by people who think that abortion is terrible and wrong, that they would prefer to see abortion remain legal for fear that, if it were made illegal, it would just drive the abortion industry underground:
“I think abortion is wrong, but I think it’s much better to keep it legal so that we can make it as safe as possible”
On the Internet, this is often expressed in images such as this:
Of course, whenever a person says he doesn’t like abortion but still wants to keep it legal, a really good starting place to begin the discussion is to ask him first why he don’t like abortion… But does the logic presented here stand up to scrutiny? Is it better for abortion to be legal and regulated?