Do you pray like a Hobbit?

I have no idea whether or not Tolkien intended it to be this way (although I wouldn’t be at all surprised if he did), but have you ever noticed that all the mealtimes mentioned by the Hobbits in “Lord of the Rings” correspond with points in the Church’s Liturgy of the Hours?

LOTRHobbit Meal #1: Breakfast (7am)
The office of “Vigils” is prayed just before sunrise.

Hobbit Meal #2: Second Breakfast (9am)
“Lauds” takes place sometime between sunrise and 8:30am.

Hobbit Meal #3: Elevenses (11am)
“Tierce” is prayed between 8:45am and 10am.

Hobbit Meal #4: Luncheon (1pm)
This corresponds to “Sexte”, which is prayed between 11:30am and 1:30pm.

Hobbit Meal #4: Afternoon Tea (4pm)
The office of “None” is between 2pm and 4pm

Hobbit Meal #5: Dinner (6pm)
Evening pray of “Vespers” is any time between 4:30pm and 8pm.

Hobbit Meal #6: Supper (8pm)
Finally, “Compline” is prayed before bed.

Does anyone know for certain if Tolkien did this on purpose?

I’m baaaaaaack…

So it’s 2015, which means my sabbatical is over and I’m back blogging! The posts over the next few days are going to be pretty light as I’m working on a few special blogging projects:

1. I am completing a series of posts concerning abortion, which I’m posting to coincide with the March For Life later this month.

2. Next, I have a series of guest posts on the subject of sex for the Goretti Group that I’m just finishing off which will be published in a few weeks.

3. Finally, I’m recording a video series on St. Paul’s Epistle to the Philippians. You’ll be hearing more about all these projects over the next couple of weeks…

The break was good, but it’s good to be back. Happy New Year everyone 🙂