The Epistle of Joy – Episode #1 (Video)

So, it’s nearly the end of January which means that we’re just a couple of weeks away from Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent.

So, what are you going to be doing this Lent? Give up chocolate…again?! Don’t misunderstand me, fasting from treats is a good thing to do, but why not do something a little different this year?

With that in mind, why don’t you join me for Scripture study? Throughout Lent I will be posting videos on YouTube three times a week. Each video will be nice and short, enough time for you finish a nice cup of tea (or coffee, if that is your poison).

For an audio-only version of this video, please click here.

We’ll be working through St. Paul’s letter to the Philippians using the RSV-CE translation. More details to follow in the run-up to Ash Wednesday!

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Birth Control Stats

Back in Advent, the New York Times listed the failure rates of the different kinds of artificial contraceptives. People are often distrustful of stats produced quoted by religious authorities, so I thought I’d post this secular source here so I can find it again later when the subject of contraception comes up:

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I’m really quite impressed with the New York Times. Not only is the webpage is nicely produced with interactive graphics, it also lists the effectiveness of various methods both with Perfect Use and, more importantly, Typical Use.

TOT: Angels & Demons

AngelIt’s Theology On Tap season again! This series kicked off with Fr. Anthony Saroki speaking on “Angels & Demons: Who are they and how do they influence us?”:

Main Talk (Download)

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Q&A (Download)

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