Arguing with Catholics

first_communion_tongueI recently had a discussion about the Faith with someone who was a former Catholic. After making several (factually incorrect) assertions about Catholic belief, she said something like this:

“Look, I know what I’m talking about. I was brought up Catholic. I was baptized, received my First Communion and was Confirmed. I went to Mass every Sunday….every Sunday! Not only that, I was in Catholic education for all high school…all of high school. Trust me, I know Catholicism…”

Now, I know my friend thought she was presenting me with some particularly impressive Catholic credentials, but I have to admit that (at least internally) I was smirking a bit as I heard all this…

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Wise Words On Wednesday: He Leadeth Me


“There remains deep down in each of us a little nagging doubt, a little knot of fear which we refuse to face or admit even to ourselves, that says, ‘suppose it isn’t so.’ We are afraid to abandon ourselves totally into God’s hand for fear he will not catch us as we fall. It is the ultimate criterion, the final test of all faith and all belief, and it is present in each of us, lurking unvoiced in a closet of our mind we are afraid to open. It is not really a question of trust in God at all, for we want very much to trust him; it is really a question of our ultimate belief in his existence and his providence, and it demands the purest act of faith.”

– Fr. Walter Ciszek, He Leadeth Me

My Sacrament Records

Today is my Confirmation Anniversary. As with my Patronal Feast Day, I always make a point of celebrating in some way. This year I celebrated by eating Battenburg Cake for breakfast 🙂

Unlike most people, I wasn’t confirmed by a bishop. Instead, I was confirmed by the Abbott of the monastery to which my school was attached. Last year I made a point of digging out my sacramental records and I managed to get hold of the monastery’s log book:


Who knew that the Latin for “Lewis” is “Ludovicus”? 🙂

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