Top Ten Reasons to be an Altar Boy

In the parish where I grew up it was understood that, upon receiving their First Holy Communion, boys were then eligible for training to become altar servers. I followed in this tradition and became an altar boy at the age of eight. Even after we changed parishes, every week I served on the altar and did so for many years. I continued to serve regularly until after I completed university and, even then, when I was back home visiting my family I would typically don my cassock and carry a candle on Sundays.

I loved being an altar server and I think that all parents should consider encouraging their sons to become altar boys. In this post I’d like to share my top ten reasons why altar serving is great…

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Music Monday: Bread Of Heaven

Today’s song for Music Monday is “Panis Angelicus”, sung by Andrea Bocelli. This was a song I immediately fell in love with…but it was at a time when I was becoming increasingly anti-Catholic in my beliefs, so I responded with horror when I realized what the lyrics meant when translated from Latin. Still, even back then I couldn’t help but love it…

Panis angelicus
(Bread of the Angels)

fit panis hominum;
(Is made bread for mankind)

Dat panis cœlicus
(Gifted bread of Heaven)

figuris terminum:
(Of all imaginings the end;)

O res mirabilis!
(Oh, thing miraculous!)

Manducat Dominum
(This body of God will nourish)

Pauper, servus et humilis
(the poor, the servile, and the humble)

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