One and a half thousand!
This morning’s post marks the 1,500th entry on this blog. I don’t know about you, but I can tell you that Stephen Colbert is extremely excited about this…
I began this blog about four years ago, on 11th June 2010 to be exact. At that time in my life, a few things converged and I decided that I’d have a go at running a blog. I began with a free blog at and, after completing a hundred posts, I decided to buy my own domain name and do things “properly”!
Since 1,500 posts is quite a milestone, I’ve put in a little bit of thought into what I could do to mark this anniversary and help take this blog to “the next level”, whatever that is! So, with that, I have a couple of announcements…
Announcement #1: Fan Page
Over the years, quite a few people have asked me if there was a Facebook “Fan Page” for my blog. A few days ago I finally capitulated and set one up:
Clicking on the above image and choosing to “Like” the page will have two consequences. It will not only boost my ego, but it will also mean that future articles which I post will appear in your Facebook news stream.
Announcement #2: Sidebar Redesign
As well as setting up the Fan page, I’ve redesigned the sidebar on the righthand side of the blog. I did this by spending the last few weeks going through all my posts (yes, all 1,500 of them) and putting links to the particularly important ones in the sidebar:
I’ve done this to make it simpler to find the articles which I often reference, as well as to point newcomers towards some of my more important posts.
Announcement #3: You guys
Over the last four years it’s been great to share some of my journey with you and to air out some of the random thoughts which kick around my noggin. I’ve had some lovely comments and messages from people across the world whom I’ve never met. It has even resulted in some rather wonderful friendships.
So, today I’d like to take this moment to thank everyone who has read, shared and commented upon my posts. If it wasn’t for you, I would be the Internet equivalent of a crazy person muttering to himself in a corner.
You guys are the best!
Congratulations, David!
Congrats David! I’m one person definitely touched by your blog. Please keep up the good work. More grace!
Thanks Lisa