2,000th Post

Today’s is just going to be a very short post. This entry marks my 2,000th post here at RestlessPilgrim.net. I wanted to thank everyone who has read, commented and shared this blog. I’m always extremely humbled when I find out that people take time out of their lives to read what I have to say and I love receiving responses from people I’ve never met in person.

As well as being my 2,000th post, today marks the beginning of my two month sabbatical. I will be posting during this time, but it’s also going to be a period of discernment for the road ahead. I’d very much appreciate your prayers as I try and work all this out.

My Sacrament Records

Today is my Confirmation Anniversary. As with my Patronal Feast Day, I always make a point of celebrating in some way. This year I celebrated by eating Battenburg Cake for breakfast 🙂

Unlike most people, I wasn’t confirmed by a bishop. Instead, I was confirmed by the Abbott of the monastery to which my school was attached. Last year I made a point of digging out my sacramental records and I managed to get hold of the monastery’s log book:


Who knew that the Latin for “Lewis” is “Ludovicus”? 🙂

One and a half thousand!

This morning’s post marks the 1,500th entry on this blog. I don’t know about you, but I can tell you that Stephen Colbert is extremely excited about this…

I began this blog about four years ago, on 11th June 2010 to be exact. At that time in my life, a few things converged and I decided that I’d have a go at running a blog. I began with a free blog at WordPress.com and, after completing a hundred posts, I decided to buy my own domain name and do things “properly”!

Since 1,500 posts is quite a milestone, I’ve put in a little bit of thought into what I could do to mark this anniversary and help take this blog to “the next level”, whatever that is! So, with that, I have a couple of announcements…

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Baptism Anniversary

Today’s my baptism anniversary. I had planned to do a longer post, but I’m busy preparing a study of Philippians which begins tomorrow, so instead I’ll be brief… 😉

Make sure it's got a rational soul...

Make sure it's thorough...

...and who says it has to be voluntary?