TOT: Making Tough Decisions

JamieTheology On Tap is an initiative in the Diocese and throughout the USA where young adults gather in a bar or restaurant to listen to a speaker, to fellowship with one another and grow in their faith.

Earlier in the month, I gave a talk at Theology On Tap about Sacred Scripture. The series continues, this time with the talk being given by Jamie Cleaton.

Jamie is a fellow resident of San Diego, where he lives with his wife and three children. Jamie has been a youth minister for four years. He has been involved with all kinds of youth events and he has been a professional speaker since 2008.

Here is the audio for his talk entitled “Making tough decisions: Listening to God’s voice as you make daily life decisions”:

Main Talk (Download)

Q&A (Download)

Who has sucked the most?

The next time someone tells you that “Religion is the cause of all the war in the world”, I’d invite you to point them at the statistics below which compare the atrocities perpetrated by theists to atheists.

To be clear, this in no way excuses the abuse of religion as an excuse to perpetrate evil, but hopefully it should provide a little bit of perspective…


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