
Poemen said, “If a man sins and denies it, saying, ‘I have not sinned,’ do not correct him, or you will destroy any intention he might have of changing. If you say, ‘Do not be cast down, my brother, but be careful about that in future,’ you will move his heart to repent”

– De vitis Patrum, Sive Verba Seniorum, Liber V

Nativity of the Theotokos

I know I’m off in the desert and not meant to be posting, but I couldn’t really pass up a quick post for the birthday of Mary, the mother of God:

Your birth, O Theotokos, brought joy to the whole world, for from you dawned the sun of righteousness, Christ our God. Freeing us from the curse, He gave us His blessings. Abolishing death, He granted us eternal life.
– Apolytikion, Nativity of the Theotokos

The God of hidden things

Ephriam was passing by when a harlot (she was the devil’s agent) began to make every effort to attract him to sinful intercourse: or, if she failed in this, at least to stir him to anger, for no one had ever seen him angry or brawling.

He said to her, “Come with me.” When they came to a crowded place, he said to her, “Come on, I will lie with you here as you wanted.”

She looked round at the  crowed and said, “How can we do it here, with all these people standing round? We should be ashamed.”

He said, “If you blush before men, should you not blush the more before God, who discloses the hidden things of darkness?” So she went away confused and taken aback, without gaining anything.

– De vitis Patrum, Sive Verba Seniorum, Liber V

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