A brother asked a hermit, “Abba, look here, I ask my elders questions, and they talk to me for the good of my soul, and I remember nothing they say. Is it any use asking questions when I gain nothing by it? I am deeply sinful.”
There were two empty vessels nearby. The hermit said, “Take one of those vessels and put oil in it, rinse it, pour out the oil, and bring the vessel back.” He did so. He said, “Do it again.” He did so.
After he had done it several times, the hermit said, “Now take both vessels and see which is cleaner.” He answered, “The one into which I put oil.”
The hermit said, “It’s the same for the one who asks questions. Although you remember nothing that you have heard, your soul will be cleaner than that of someone who never even asks questions.
– De vitis Patrum, Sive Verba Seniorum, Liber V
I was just thinking about this last night when I couldn’t remember anything from my Scripture reflections this week =).