Come hear me talk!
If you are a young adult in San Diego, want to know more about the Bible and love hearing the sound of an English accent, well, you’re in luck!
On 8th October I’m going to be giving the talk at Theology On Tap entitled “Reading the Bible for all its worth”. Click on the image below to download the flyer.
The talk is going to be at the Searsucker Restaurant in Del Mar (directions). We’ll have dinner 6:30pm-7:30pm. I’ll then give a 45 minute talk, there will be some Q&A and group discussion. We’ll have everything wrapped up by 9pm.
Will you come if I promise to talk about dating?
SOMETHING SOMETHING RELATIONSHIPS AND DATING, and something about an englishman reading something called the Bible.
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Will there be video?
There isn’t usually, but I’ll see if I can work something out