Papyrus Thoughts
A hermit used to say, “A lustful thought is brittle like papyrus. When it is thrust at us, if we do not accept it but throw it away, it breaks easily. If it allures us and we keep playing with it, it becomes as difficult to break as iron. We need discernment to know that those who consent lose hope of salvation and for those who do not consent, a crown is made ready”
– De vitis Patrum, Sive Verba Seniorum, Liber V
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A night campfire sends sparks, even hot embers, shooting into the air in its roaring updraft. If a hot ember lands on your arm, and you brush it off instantly, reflexively, without thought, you will not be burned, nor will your sleeve even be scorched.
But if you hesitate, mind caught by the orange glow, your flesh will burn. You cannot then brush off the burning feeling. Even later, the hole in your sleeve will draw your mind back again and again to that glowing ember in the night.
So it is with lustful thoughts.
A very appropriate saying to hear after a weekend of camping!