Holy Day of Obligation?! That’s like saying someone forced you to eat ice-cream and sprinkles!
There appears to be some confusion over the status of the Feast of the Assumption so I thought I’d do a really quick post and clear things up. If you’re a Roman Rite Catholic in the United States then, yes, today is a Holy Day of Obligation.
Where has all the confusion come from? Well, the U.S. Bishops received permission from the Vatican to abrogate certain Holy Days if the feast in question is on either a Saturday or Monday. The Feast of the Assumption falls into this category, leading to the rather bizarre situation whereby it was not a Holy Day of Obligation in 2009 and 2011, but it was during the intervening years. However, since today is a Thursday (and not either a Saturday or Monday), it’s time to start looking for a lunchtime or evening Mass… 

“If you’re complaining that you HAVE TO go to church today
for the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Mother,
then you need to get your priorities in check, SON!” – Joe Q