Reading List Update
It’s time for a Reading List update and, thanks to my vacation and several long plane rides, I have much progress to report…
When I last posted on this subject, I had crossed the following books off my 2013 Reading List:
The Screwtape Letters The Great Divorce , Mere Christianity, Problem of Pain – C.S. Lewis
The Desert Fathers: Sayings of the Early Christian Monks – Penguin Classics
Every Man’s Journey – James P. Campbell
Hold Me Tight – Dr. Sue Johnson
After Jesus – Reader’s Digest
I can now add the following to the list:
St. Francis of Assisi – G.K. Chesterton
This is a beautifully written book, but boy does Chesterton make you work! I’ve got one more of his books on my Reading List for this year so I’m hoping to get to better grips with this fellow countryman of mine.
Jesus of Nazareth – Pope Benedict XVI
Absolutely stunning. There were a few sections which were a little dry and academic (which caused my progress to stall at the end of last year), but this doesn’t detract from the fact that this is a brilliant book. It’s full of Patristic references and insightful commentary on the Gospels. This book is going into my reference library and I’m rather tempted to add the sequels to this book to my 2014 Reading List…
Weaving The Web – Tim Berners-Lee*
This book wasn’t originally on the 2013 Reading List. I know, mea culpa, but I just felt in need of a change. Tim Berners-Lee is the creator of the World Wide Web and a professor at my alma mater. In his book he chronicles the development of the primitive web and the various hurdles which had to be overcame in the early years. If you’re not a nerd, you’re likely to find this book extremely boring. Fortunately, I am, so I loved it
Roots of the Reformation – Karl Adam*
This was another book which wasn’t on “The List”. It was sent to me by the Coming Home Network when they delivered another book I ordered. It was an unvarnished look at the history of the early Reformation, short and to the point.
I am currently reading:
Confessions – St. Augustine
Introduction to the Devout Life – St. Francis de Sales
Philosophy For Dummies – Thomas Morris
…which leaves the following books still unread:
Rediscover Catholicism – Matthew Kelly
The Path of Life – Cyprian Smith OSB
Immitation of Christ – Thomas à Kempis
Everlasting Man – G.K. Chesterton
Jesus Among Other Gods – Ravi Zacharias
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