Update on “Twelve for 2012″…
I was reading Jennifer Fulwiler’s blog entry The Mystery of the Catholic Book Buyer and it prompted me to write another update for my Twelve for 2012…
Here are the finished books:
The Church and the New Media – Brandon Vogt
I’m Not Being Fed! – Jeff Cavins
The Passion of Jesus Christ – John Piper
Father Brown of the Church of Rome – G.K Chesterton
The Story of Christianity – Justo Gonzalez
How To Listen When God Is Speaking – Mitch Pacwa, SJ
Godless Delusion – Patrick Madrid & Kenneth Hensley
Here are the bonus books/documents I’ve read which were not on the list:
The One Thing – Matthew Kelly
Pillar of Fire and Truth – Catholic Answers
Quitter – Jon Acuff
The meaning of Vocation – Pope John Paul II
Orientalium Ecclesiarum – Second Vatican Council
Deus Caritas Est – Pope Benedict XVI
I am currently reading:
Jesus of Nazareth – Pope Benedict XVI
Vatican II: The Crisis And The Promise – Alan Schreck (I’m reading this for the course I’m doing)
The books still to read:
Rediscover Catholicism – Matthew Kelly
Jesus Among Other Gods – Ravi Zacharias
Philosophy For Dummies – Thomas Morris
The Path of Life – Cyprian Smith OSB
Filwiler’s post was very interesting, thanks for the link. I had to laugh at the “Catholics don’t buy books” comment, though, because clearly they’ve never been to my house or seen how much money I spend at bookstores.
But she makes some interesting points. Her first theory is certainly true. I just finished “Les Miserables” and now I’m reading a book about code breakers at Bletchley Park during WWII.
I can’t imagine not looking for new (or new-to-me…that 2,000 years of competition Fulwiler mentions) spiritual reading, though. I sometimes will buy a book for spiritual reading and it will be supplanted by something else…but often I find I come back to it (sometimes months later) when the content is something I very much need to hear. I have one of Peter Kreeft’s books that I’ve been meaning to start for several more than a month now, for example, but I actually think I’m going to dive into St. Augustine’s Confessions, which I picked up at a used book store while I was on vacation.
Anyway, I saw you have “Rediscover Catholicism” on your list. A friend of mine recently gave it to me. Ironically, she’s no longer practicing (and probably could do with reading it), but someone had given it to her and as she wasn’t interested, passed it along to me. I haven’t actually read any of Kelly’s books, but I’ve heard good things, so have added it to my (always growing) to-be-read pile.
Well this was far longer than I intended. Sorry for rambling on…
I thought you’d like that one
The video was fun, too.