Save or Shave?
As I’m sure many of you know, this past month has been “Movember“, also known as “No Shave November“. It is a month in which guys grow facial hair (the more ridiculous the better), using the excuse that they’re raising money for prostate cancer research.
Together with a group of guys from the office in San Diego, I have been participating in Movember. Originally, I planned to not shave at all, but after two weeks the beard was itching and driving me crazy, so I trimmed it back to a ‘tache and a goatee:
Now, in the last couple of weeks a handful of friends have said they actually like my new facial furniture and that I should keep it. Others have said that they hate it and that I should get rid of it immediately.
So c’mon Internet…which is it?
Save it until Beethoven so I can see it in person, and then I’ll let you know.
Well that’s *terribly* kind of you…but no. Cast your vote!
I actually like it….well, the picture of it any way since I haven’t seen you in a couple weeks.
The picture makes you look…older in a nice, distinguished way.
You should have restricted this poll to members of the opposite sex.
….or maybe just excluded Cynergy people…
But why limit this poll to members of the opposite sex? I’ve found that gay men are good judges of what makes men look good.
1) If it doesn’t itch, saves you time in the morning, saves from razor burn, and you like how it looks: keep it.
2) It itches and you kept it anyway? That’s ridiculous nonsense. If it itches, does not save you time (because it takes just as long to upkeep), and does not save you razor burn, and you don’t care how it looks: toss it.
David, you’re very handsome either way- seriously do whatever the heck is easiest for you
Mara raises good “tie-breakers”.
You look older and more serious with beard.
Who do you want to be?
Go with your gut, with what you want to do.
keep it….
you pirate, you…
You can be my evil English twin!
I am oddly on the fence-normally I don’t like facial hair but it does seem to suit you. Helpful, I know.
Brilliant insights, thanks!
I too used to be indecisive, but now I’m not so sure…
hmmm… not sure I’d go as far as Tony Stark (being a huge fan of Robert DJ, there are few who could pull it off as good as he), but sure, it works for you! On the other hand, you might want to spare a thought for the poor girl who has to kiss you…
So you’re not keen on Tony Stark, but apparently Ming the Merciless is okay? Gotcha.
(and I think we should all spare a thought for any poor girl who has to kiss me)
Dave you already look smart and the addition makes you look even smarter…only in a cool cat, instrument player kinda way.. Turtleneck, shades and beret would complete the look… You can also spare the “poor girl” the discomfort by using pricey conditioner and brushing it every night…LOL