Beginning Ignatius’ letter to the Trallians
This week in the JP2 Group we will be continuing our study of the letters of St. Ignatius of Antioch, the third bishop of Antioch. Last week we read his words to the Magnesians where he exhorted them to do nothing without the bishop and to give honour to God by honouring the presbytery in authority over them. This week we move on to the letter he wrote to the Church in Tralles in which Ignatius repeats much of what he told the Magnesians, but goes on to warn them of a heresy which was starting to creep into the Church, Docetism.
After looking at several different translations, I have, again, created my own abridged version so that we will be able to complete our study of this letter in a single evening. Here it is:
“St. Ignatius of Antioch’s letter to the Trallians” PDF
“St. Ignatius of Antioch’s letter to the Trallians” Audio