Friday Frivolity: Meditation, the right way


When I posted this on Facebook one of my friends questioned the authenticity of this quotation. It comes from Sheen’s “The Priest Is Not His Own”:

“The average American is physically, biologically, psychologically and neurologically unable to do anything worthwhile before he has a cup of coffee. And that goes for prayer too. Even sisters in convents whose rules were written before electric percolators were developed would do well to update their procedures. Let them have coffee before meditation.”

– Fulton Sheen, The Priest Is Not His Own

…with that said, I’m now off for a cup of tea 🙂

The S-Files

If you’ve read this blog for a while, it’ll be no secret that I’m a big fan of Archbishop Fulton Sheen. I recently found out something I didn’t know about Grandpa Sheen, that the FBI kept a file on him. Interested in knowing the contents? Please click on the image below..

Screen Shot 2014-10-04 at 7.08.20 PMI wonder if all those files had “JMJ” written in the top corner too… 😉

The Human Heart

Today is Valentine’s Day, a day on which we celebrate the life of a 3rd Century Roman Saint, as well as trying to stave off the tremendous societal pressure to be romantic and lovey dovey 😉


“The human heart is not shaped like a valentine heart, perfect and regular in contour; it is slightly irregular in shape as if a small piece of it were missing out of its side. That missing part may very well symbolize a piece that a spear tore out of the Universal Heart of Humanity on the Cross, but it probably symbolizes something more.

It may very well mean that when God created each human heart, He kept a small sample of it in heaven, and sent the rest of it into the world of time, where it would each day learn the lesson that it could never be really happy, that it could never be really wholly in love, that it could never be really whole-hearted until it rested with the Risen Christ in an eternal Easter…” – Archbishop Fulton Sheen

(Thanks to Alexandra for this one)

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