Wise Words on Wednesday: Grandpa Sheen

“No one can pick up the Scriptures without reading a devastating criticism of social moral standards, as when the Divine Savior puts a harlot above a Pharisee, a penitent robber above a religious leader, a prodigal son above his exemplary elder brother.

“Many a tree as it stands in the forest looks fair, fine, solid and valuable, but when it is cut down and sawed for use reveals rottenness, cross grain and knots. Social conformity to low standards may give the appearance of goodness, but in the judgment of God the true character is revealed” – Archbishop Fulton Sheen

Wise Words On Wednesday

I keep coming across brilliant quotations that simply must be shared with everyone. So with this in mind, from now on, I’m setting aside my Wednesday post to do just that. This week, it’s Grandpa Sheen…

“Hearing a nun’s confession is like being stoned to death with popcorn.”

– Archbishop Fulton Sheen

Favourite People: Fr. Robert Barron

In a previous post I spoke about one of my favourite people, Archbishop Fulton Sheen. I spoke about how I came to discover him, his sermons and writings, as well as try and describe something of the impact he had upon me.

I think it is appropriate therefore, that in this next entry, I’ve chosen to talk about someone whom I’ve often heard referred to by other people as “The Next Fulton Sheen”.

This person is Fr. Robert Barron.

If Sheen Had YouTube…

Fr. Robert is a priest who lives near Chicago in the United States. I first came across him on YouTube while I was still living in England.  He is a published author (I finished his book “The Eucharist” this week), but he has also embraced the new media and is using it to extend the reach of his ministry. It is in this sense that he is like Fulton Sheen – he’s a superb communicator and uses all means available to proclaim the faith, although in terms of style he and Archbishop Sheen are very different.

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Favourite People: Fulton Sheen

When musicians, artists and writers are interviewed, they are often asked about their influences.

Now, although I’m no Bono, something I’ve been meaning to do ever since I started this blog is to share with you some of my own influences.  These are the people who have made a profound impact upon me and substantially contributed to the person I am today.

In this post I would like to briefly talk about someone who has had an impact upon me and my faith fairly recently. In fact, up until nine months ago, I had never even heard of him. The person I’m talking about here is Archbishop Fulton Sheen.

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