Wise Words on Wednesday: Borrowed Books in Heaven

You might remember several years ago I wrote an article asking whether or not there would be Wounds in Heaven? Well, this past week I came across a quotation from C.S. Lewis which supports my suggestion:
“Yes,” my friend said. “I don’t see why there shouldn’t be books in heaven. But you will find that your library in heaven contains only some of the books you had on earth.”
“Which?” I asked.
“The ones you gave away or lent.”
“I hope the lent ones won’t still have all the borrowers’ dirty thumb marks,” said I.
“Oh yes they will,” said he, “But just as the wounds of the martyrs will have turned into beauties, so you will find that the thumb marks have turned into beautiful illuminated capitals or exquisite marginal woodcuts.”
C.S. Lewis, God in the Dock (Scrap #1)