Tag: Unborn
Personhood and Death Certificates

This past week was the March For Life in Washington DC, so I thought I’d do a post on the subject of abortion…
A couple of weeks ago, I published a brief post a blog post related to Martin Luther King. Earlier in the week, I had been speaking to someone on Facebook about abortion. The pro-choice advocate had been arguing against any legal restrictions against abortion. He said that ethical behaviour isn’t brought about by the law, it only cultivates fear of being caught. I responded with a quotation from Dr. King, to show why laws which protect people are necessary:

The other day I was looking at the management panel for the Restless Pilgrim Facebook Page and noticed that someone had left a response:
Read more“A clump of cells is not a person”
Facebook user
Waters of Baptism
John Loncar recently posted a great quotation on Shameless Popery that I found really touching and wanted to share. This is an extract from a letter written by St. Bernard of Clairvaux, a 12th-century theologian and a Doctor of the Church, which he wrote to a couple who had suffered the tragedy of a miscarriage:
“Your faith spoke for this child. Baptism for this child was only delayed by time. Your faith suffices. The waters of your womb — were they not the waters of life for this child? Look at your tears. Are they not like the waters of baptism? Do not fear this. God’s ability to love is greater than our fears. Surrender everything to God.” – St. Bernard of Clairvaux