Wise Words on Wednesday: Not just better corpses

Jesus did not die to make bad men better, but to make dead men live.
Fr. Stephen Freeman
"We are travellers…not yet in our native land" – St. Augustine
Jesus did not die to make bad men better, but to make dead men live.
Fr. Stephen Freeman
In this episode of “Theology With An English Accent” (TEA) is the first of a few talks I’m giving this Lent at St. Ignatius in Los Angeles. This is a longer version of the talk I gave the previous week in Dodge City which was called “What is the point of Christianity?”. The first 20 minutes is basically identical, after which I get into new material.
Life in Christ: Not mere improvement, but transformation (Download)
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I was in Kansas this weekend speaking at a retreat so I didn’t get a chance to put together an episode with Matt. Rather than deprive you of an episode this week, here is the audio of a talk I gave at the weekend which draws heavily from Lewis and Mere Christianity.
Another speaker had meant to join me that weekend on the retreat, but unfortunately his flight was cancelled due to snow storms. This meant that we had to reorganize the programme, meaning that one of my talks was in the morning – that is the significance of my comments before my introduction.
S2E8: “What is the point of Christianity?” (Download)
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“In His kenosis is our theosis”
– Fr David Meconi
Today I will be discussing theosis with Joe Heschmeyer from Holy Family School of Faith. He writes at Shameless Popery and is also on The Catholic Podcast. Earlier in the year, Joe came to San Diego and gave a presentation on the subject of theosis, so I invited him onto the podcast to help give us a clear Biblical basis for this doctrine which Lewis discussed at great length in Mere Christianity.
Please send any objections, comments or questions, either via email through my website or tweet us @pintswithjack or message us via Instagram!
Episode 43: After hours with Joseph Heschmeyer (Download)
The chapter today is a short one. In it, Lewis adds two notes concerning things which were mentioned in the previous chapter. The first relates to the begetting of many sons and the second concerns his description of humanity as one great organism.
Please send any objections, comments or questions, either via email through my website or tweet us @pintswithjack or message us via Instagram!
Episode 35: Two Notes (Download)
Today we encounter one of my favourite chapter titles in Mere Christianity: “The Obstinate Toy Soldiers”. Today we speak more about Christ’s Resurrection and what it achieved, and how we can benefit from it.
This is our first remote episode. Matt moved to New York this month, so over the next few weeks we’ll be working out technical issues as we get used to doing this podcast remotely over the next.
Please send any objections, comments or questions, either via email through my website or tweet us @pintswithjack or message us via Instagram!
Episode 33: The Obstinate Toy Soldiers (Download)
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