Blood & Ink: The Video
My friend David uploaded the audio of one my talks last year onto YouTube, “Blood & Ink: How the Early Church conquered the World”:
"We are travellers…not yet in our native land" – St. Augustine
My friend David uploaded the audio of one my talks last year onto YouTube, “Blood & Ink: How the Early Church conquered the World”:
Earlier this week, I gave a talk entitled “Hidden Treasure: How the Old Testament is unveiled in the New”. In this presentation, I explain how Biblical Typology helps us to see Christ throughout Salvation History.
Hidden Treasure: How the Old Testament is unveiled in the New (Download)
Audio PlayerA couple of weeks ago I gave a talk at Santa Sophia entitled “Blood & Ink: How the Early Church Conquered the World”. Unfortunately, soon after given the talk, my laptop decided to die, so I couldn’t upload the audio. My laptop is finally fixed, so here you go…
Blood & Ink: How the Early Church Conquered the World (Download)
Audio PlayerLast night I led Bible study at a local parish and I was asked to give an informal talk beforehand on the Virgin Mary.
My talk was entitled “How I met your (Blessed) Mother” and in it I told a little bit of my story and explained how I overcame my deep-seated resistance concerning Mary and how I ultimately came to embrace the Catholic teaching concerning the Blessed Mother.
Some friends couldn’t make it last night and asked me to record the talk, so for anyone who would like to hear it, the audio is available below.
How I met your (Blessed) Mother (Download)
Audio PlayerI’ve resolved to be better at publicizing events where I’m speaking. I’ve got a few talks coming up this month and I’ve actually remembered to create Facebook events for them:
If you’d like to stay up-to-date, you can find details at my Facebook page.