Catholics Come Home

There are many worrying statistics concerning the Catholic Faith in the USA. One in ten Americans consider themselves ex-Catholics. In fact, if “ex-Catholics” were counted as their own religious group, they would be the third-largest denomination, right after Catholics and Baptists. As many as 100,000 drift away from the Faith each year. These figures should give us serious pause for thought since, as Christians, we are called to evangelize the world, to witness to Jesus Christ and His Church.

leave church

Today I’d like to begin a series of posts which are based on a talk I recently gave at my parish. The talk was entitled “Catholics Come Home”.

Over the next two posts, I would like to tell a little bit my own story, of my journey away from and eventual return to the Catholic Church. I’ve told parts of this story before, but in this retelling I hope to focus on some of the things which attracted and repelled me along the way. In subsequent posts, I’ll attempt to pull these experiences together and distill them into a list of suggestions as to what can be done to draw people back to the Church.

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Clients From Hell

I’m subscribed to Clients From Hell. Here’s a great post from yesterday:

Client: Do you animate bible stories?

Me: We don’t currently, but we can animate anything you like. What do you have in mind?

Client: Well how much is it to animate the bible?

Me: Well it depends on what stories from the bible you want. The duration of the animation, how many characters, sets etc. Do you have a script?

Client: Well I don’t want to elaborate on the bible, I just want to animate it for the kids.

Me: Right, okay, but in order to give you a budget I need to start somewhere so I can figure out roughly how many characters, props and such.

Client: How much time will it take for creation?

Me: The creation of the assets? Characters, sets etc?

Client: No, Creation, in the book of Genesis.

Me: A lot more then 7 days.